According to Prowine Business Report, Singapore is seen as the “emerging” wine market with the highest potential, followed by Taiwan and Czech Republic.
Continue reading “Which are the most appealing “emerging” wine markets?”Italian Sommeliers Association
Italian Sommeliers is an open association committed to the promotion of the culture of wine
According to Prowine Business Report, Singapore is seen as the “emerging” wine market with the highest potential, followed by Taiwan and Czech Republic.
Continue reading “Which are the most appealing “emerging” wine markets?”Poland is a land of opportunity for Italy, which has been the leading wine supplier (both as value and volume) since 2011, ahead of Germany, France, USA and Spain.
Continue reading “Poland: Italy is the first supplier of wine”What is social commerce?
Social commerce is a subset of electronic commerce that involves social media and online media that supports social interaction, and user contributions to assist online buying and selling of products and services.
Continue reading “Is “social commerce” the future, or the present already?”Risk Map: is an assessment of the financial risks that companies are exposed to when operating abroad. Corporate credit and payment are one of a system of six ratings, calculated on a scale from 0 to 100 (where 100 represents the maximum risk), to explore the risk profiles of foreign counties.
Continue reading “The credit score of some Asian countries”In 2019, Italy exported to Singapore € 14,233,552 of bottled wine, according to ISTAT (National Statistical Institute) data.
Continue reading “2019 Italian Wine Export to Singapore (analysis)”Poggibonsi, December 31st 2020 – Enhanced my private wine collection with the addition of 3 bottles of Antinori Tignanello.
Continue reading “Enhanced the wine collection with the addition of 3 Tignanello”Are you sometimes confused between the terms East Asia and Far East? And Western Asia and Middle East? Does Asia Pacific include India?
Continue reading “South-East Asia subregion definition”The world’s largest trade pact was inked on Sunday Nov 15th, 2020, by the leaders of 15 countries after eight years of talks.
The participating countries account for 30% of the global economy and 1/3 of the world’s population.
Continue reading “15 Asian countries signed RCEP, the world’s largest trade pact”The famous Veneto wine was born in the last century by a fortunate chance.
Continue reading “Amarone della Valpolicella, the best mistake ever made”The geographical term “Tuscany” will necessarily accompany all the labels of Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, Rosso di Montepulciano and Vin Santo di Montepulciano. The changes to the disciplinary of Montepulciano wines also published in the Official Journal of the EU.
Continue reading “Wines and territories: Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, geographical term “Tuscany” mandatory on the label”