2023 trends: LVMH and small wineries share the same financial fate

What really impressed me as I looked into some financial reports of 2023 is the surprising parallel between the revenue trends of a giant like LVMH Wines & Spirits and numerous smaller Italian wineries. Despite their luxury drinks and market strength, LVMH faced a challenging year with a 7% drop in revenue to 6.6 billion euros.

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Discovering the vibrant growth and future vision of Chianti Classico

Discovering the vibrant growth and future vision of Chianti Classico

The legendary Chianti Classico DOCG is known worldwide for its iconic black rooster symbol, standing tall among other prestigious wines. With over 300 years of history, Chianti Classico continues to thrive, with a land of 70,000 hectares, of which 7,200 are dedicated to vineyards. In February 2022, the latest official data reveals that the value of Chianti Classico sales increased by 7% compared to the previous year, highlighting the growing trend of this exquisite wine.

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Understanding the value of wine tourism: comparing California and Italy’s wine tourism industries

California wine tourism 8 billion

Have you ever wondered how much money wine tourism brings in? Recently a report came out saying that California’s wine tourism industry is worth 8.6 billion US$ (25 million tourist visits). That seems like a large amount, but is it really that impressive?

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