Food & Beverage with +42% is the segment with the greatest growth among the various e-commerce sectors.
Continue reading “Food & Beverage is the e-commerce segment with the greatest growth”Italian Sommeliers Association
Italian Sommeliers is an open association committed to the promotion of the culture of wine
Food & Beverage with +42% is the segment with the greatest growth among the various e-commerce sectors.
Continue reading “Food & Beverage is the e-commerce segment with the greatest growth”Italy has plenty of room for growth in e-commerce, considering that only 30% of Italian companies have an e-commerce site and only 10% actually sell online.
Source: Unicredit Bank [UniCredit EasyPack Sep 2020 based on ISTAT 2019]
With extreme regret, the statistics are coming and the evident damage of the pandemic is also reflecting in the numbers.
Continue reading “Restaurants wine consumption dropped from 36% to 20%”What is social commerce?
Social commerce is a subset of electronic commerce that involves social media and online media that supports social interaction, and user contributions to assist online buying and selling of products and services.
Continue reading “Is “social commerce” the future, or the present already?”Even in purchasing wine appearances count!
Continue reading “To what extent are consumer choices influenced by wine packaging?”Valdo Spumanti closes 2020 in line with the previous year, in fact it recorded a turnover of approximately 65 million euros.
Continue reading “Valdo Marca Oro: 11.5% share in Italy and 26% in Germany”Breaking News – The fine wine merchant, Sarment, which is dubbed as “Asia’s fastest-growing luxury wine and spirits business”, is shutting down its business in mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan.
Continue reading “Sarment is closing business across Asia”It is common to hear that “wine brands are built in the on-trade”, but are consumers really more exposed to brands in restaurants than they are when browsing for wine in supermarkets?
Continue reading “Wine brands are built in the “off-trade””According to a recent survey, cheap wine tastes better when we are told it is expensive, regardless of its true price.
Continue reading “Cheap wine tastes better when we are told it is expensive”Italian “off-trade” wine market – “Sales trend analysis, before and after the pandemic”.
Continue reading ““Off-trade” sales trend analysis, before and after the pandemic”