January 20th 2022 – A webinar was held on the Zoom platform, organized by the professionals of GaJa Srl and WINE+, directed by Dr. Jacopo Affinati in partnership with the ICCS (Italian Chamber of Commerce in Singapore) and Fidinam (a Swiss business consulting firm).
Dr. Giacomo Marabiso (ICCS) presented the opportunities for Italian companies operating in many industries, including high-quality agriculture, technologies of the food production chain, premium furniture (Compasso d’Oro).
Dr. Marta Giordano (Fidinam) explained how to set up companies, branches and representative offices in order to ensure rapid expansion in the South East Asia fast-growing markets.
Singapore and the other South-East Asia countries enjoy healthy economies, high growth, transparent regulations: all this makes it very significant opportunities for Italian SMEs.
GaJa Srl is a business consulting company with over 15 years of experience in multiple sectors and with a direct presence in European and Asian markets.
WINE+ is an Italian wine training, management and distribution company founded in 2018 in Singapore.