Italian wine 2021: some numbers …

Italian wine 2021: some numbers ...
  • Brunello si Montalcino DOCG: 11.4 million bottles placed on the market (the highest number since 2010)

According to a Coldiretti analysis, the production of tricolor bubbles for the first time exceeded one billion bottles, equal to a jump of 23%. The result was mainly Prosecco, both Doc and Docg, with 753 million bottles, followed by Asti Docg with 102 million bottles and then by Franciacorta, Trento and Oltrepo Pavese.

The average consumption of electricity to vinify and bottle a liter of wine is about 0.7 kWh, while for bulk it can be estimated an average consumption of 0.5 kWh.

75% of the annual electricity consumption is used in the pressing and vinification phase, while bottling and the end of the line absorb around 25% as well as about half of the consumption is concentrated in the harvest period.

in 2021 Italy is the largest wine supplier to Russia (30% market share ahead of France and Spain). The exported wine worth 375 million $ (333 million €). 2021 marked a general + 10% over 2020, sparkling wine alone accounted for +25%.

Cantina San Michele AppianoSt. Michael-Eppan): 2021 turnover 22.6 million € (+5% on 2020)

  • 385 ha of vineyards
  • over 2 million bottles
  • 70% domestic market/30% export market

Colline Teramane Montepulciano d’Abruzzo DOCG (DOCG founded in 2003)

  • around 170 ha of vineyards
  • over 400.000 bottles
  • 85% domestic market and 15% export market

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