- The global value of the alcoholic beverage market is 1317 billion €
- The lion’s share goes to beer with 42% of the total market
- The second largest is spirits with a 35% share
- The wine category represents 20% of the total, or 245.6 billion €
- The total wine sales in Italy are worth 14.2 billion €, or less than 6% of the global wine market

What do these numbers mean? Let’s put them into perspective.
- The value of the global alcoholic beverage market is almost as big as Australian GDP (13th largest GDP), or 68% of Italian GDP, or 4 times Singaporean GDP
- The value of the Italian wine market is about 0.7% of its GDP (quite insignificant)
- Globally, for every 10 € of wine purchased, 21 € of beer and 17.5 € of spirits are bought at the same time
- In the world, on average, 467.000 € worth of wine is sold every minute
- In Italy, on average, 27.000 € worth of bottles of wine are uncorked every minute, or 450 € every second

- Wine Report 2021 by Cross Border Growth Capital
- GDP by Country