Wondering what is the best price and most popular Brunello di Montalcino on Italian e-commerce?
To perform the search, as for today March 22nd 2021, we carefully monitored the 4 largest online wine shops (which account for 83% of total online sales):
- Tannico (212 labels of Brunello)
- Vino.com (218 labels of Brunello)
- Callmewine (116 labels of Brunello)
- Xtrawine (152 labels of Brunello)
the worldwide #1 online e-commerce:
- Amazon Italy (over 2.000 results for Brunello di Montalcino)
and the 4 most popular and largest supermarket online shops:
- Conad (3 labels of Brunello)
- Coop (5 labels of Brunello)
- Esselunga (4 labels of Brunello)
- Carrefour (4 labels of Brunello)
[we analyzed over 80 Brunello prices and, as far as our knowledge, we did not take into account “private labels” nor anonymous bottling company]

Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.
Overall analysis (including top 4 specialized online wine shops + Amazon & 4 largest supermarkets online shops) |
Online best price:
- Piccini at € 18.50 on Carrefour.it
- Campone Frescobaldi at € 18.90 on EasyCoop.com
- Geografico at € 20.20 on Vino.com

Most popular brand:
- Banfi
- selected by all 9 players
- awards: JS 95 (2016), RP 94 (2016), WS 93 (2015)
- best price € 21.90
- Fattoria Barbi
- selected by 8 players
- awards: JS 96 (2015), RP 94 (2015), WS 92 (2015), WE 91 (2015)
- best price € 25.25
- Col d’Orcia
- selected by 6 players,
- awards: RP 93 (2016), AG 95 (2016), JS 93 (2016), WS 94 (2015)
- best price € 26.01
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.
TOP 4 specialized online wine shops analysis |

Overall Brunello average online price (considering the 10 less expensive Brunello for each one of the 4 players)
- € 29.25 (€ 1.170.10 / 40)
Less expensive selection (considering the average of the 10 lowest Brunellos):
- Vino.com, € 26.83
Most expensive selection (considering the average of the 10 lowest Brunellos):
- Callmewine, € 30.76
Online best price:
- Geografico 2015, € 20.20 – Vino.com
- Cantina di Montalcino 2015, € 21.00 – Vino.com
- Cantina di Montalcino 2015, € 24.40 – Xtrawine
Only 4 brands are included in the 10 best prices selection of each one of the 4 players:
- Banfi
- Col d’Orcia
- Fattoria dei Barbi
- La Poderina
The price range of these 4 popular brands across the 4 online shops is quite uniform:
- € 29.34 (€ 469.51 / 16)
Best deal (among the 4 most popular brands)
- Col d’Orcia 2016, € 26.01 – Xtrawine
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.
Amazon & 4 largest supermarket online shops analysis |

Overall Brunello average online price (considering the 10 less expensive Brunello from Amazon + 15 from the large supermarkets)
- € 25.65 (€ 641.32 / 25)
Online best price:
- Carrefour: Piccini, € 18.50
- Coop: Campone Frescobaldi, € 18.90
- Amazon: Banfi, € 21.90
- Esselunga: Banfi, € 21.90
- Conad: Banfi, € 22.90
Most popular brands, 3 wineries are the most selected by the 5 players:
- Banfi (all 5 players: Amazon + Conad + Coop + Esselunga + Carrefour)
- Fattoria dei Barbi (4 players: Amazon + Conad + Coop + Esselunga)
- Campone Frescobaldi (3 players: Conad + Coop + Carrefour; *Amazon not good deal)
The price range of these 3 popular brands across the 5 online shops is quite uniform:
- € 24.42 (€ 293.07 / 12)
Best deal (among the 3 most popular brands)
- Campone Frescobaldi, € 18.90 – Coop
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.

Tannico – largest online wine shop, 212 labels of Brunello di Montalcino
Caparzo 2016 | € 25.90 | 1 |
Geografico, Piccini 2015 | € 26.50 | 2 |
Rio del Cipresso 2016 * | € 26.50 | |
La Poderina 2016 | € 28.90 | 3 |
La Poderina 2015 | € 28.90 | |
Fattoria dei Barbi 2016 | € 29.90 | 4 |
Banfi 2015 | € 29.90 | 5 |
Col d’Orcia 2016 | € 30.90 | 6 |
Campogiovanni, San Felice 2015 | € 31.50 | 7 |
Scopone 2015 | € 32.00 | 8 |
Poggio Salvi 2016 | € 34.90 | 9 |
Fornacina 2015 | € 35.00 | 10 |
€ 25.90 – € 35.00 is the price bracket of the 10 lowest Brunello within Tannico selection
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.

Vino.com – 2nd largest online wine shop, 215 labels of Brunello di Montalcino
Geografico Piccini 2015 | € 20.20 | 1 |
Cantina di Montalcino 2015 | € 21.00 | 2 |
Pian del Prete 2015 * | € 22.50 | |
Casale del Bosco 2013 * | € 23.50 | |
Filicaja 2015 | € 24.90 | 3 |
Quercecchio 2016 | € 26.90 | 4 |
Camigliano 2016 | € 27.50 | 5 |
La Poderina 2016 | € 28.90 | 6 |
Silvio Nardi 2015 | € 29.00 | 7 |
Fattoria dei Barbi 2016 | € 29.50 | 8 |
Banfi 2015 | € 29.90 | 9 |
La Torre 2016 | € 30.50 | 10 |
Col d’Orcia 2016 | € 30.90 | 11 |
€ 20.20 – € 30.50 is the price bracket of the 10 lowest Brunello within Vino.com selection
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.

Callmewine – 3rd largest online wine shop, 116 labels of Brunello di Montalcino
Pian delle Querci 2015 | € 26.80 | 1 |
La Poderina 2015 | € 28.00 | 2 |
Campogiovanni San Felice 2015 | € 29.00 | 3 |
Fattoria dei Barbi 2016 | € 29.50 | 4 |
Banfi 2016 | € 29.90 | 5 |
Col d’Orcia 2016 | € 29.90 | 6 |
Caparzo 2016 | € 32.50 | 7 |
Fattoi 2016 | € 32.50 | 8 |
Poggio Salvi 2016 | € 33.00 | 9 |
Caprili 2016 | € 36.50 | 10 |
€ 26.80 – € 36.50 is the price bracket of the 10 lowest Brunello within Callmewine selection
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.

Xtrawine – 4th largest online wine shop, 152 labels of Brunello di Montalcino
Cantina di Montalcino 2015 | € 24.40 | 1 |
Caparzo 2016 | € 25.02 | 2 |
Col d’Orcia 2016 | € 26.01 | 3 |
La Poderina 2016 | € 28.00 | 4 |
Banfi 2016 | € 29.90 | 5 |
Campogiovanni San Felice 2016 | € 30.00 | 6 |
Il Poggione 2014 | € 30.50 | 7 |
La Gerla 2015 | € 30.81 | 8 |
Leonardo 2015 | € 32.00 | 9 |
Silvio Nardi | € 32.16 | 10 |
Val di Suga | € 32.94 | 11 |
€ 24.40 – € 32.16 is the price bracket of the 10 lowest Brunello within Xtrawine selection
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.

Amazon.it – over 2.000 results for “Brunello di Montalcino” search
Banfi 2015 | € 21.90 | (Amazon) | 1 |
Geografico Piccini 2015 | € 23.30 | (vino.com) | 2 |
Val di Suga 2015 | € 23.90 | (Tomaselli) | 3 |
Fattoria dei Barbi 2015 | € 26.00 | (Amazon) | 4 |
Filicaja 2015 | € 26.90 | (vino.com) | 5 |
Cantna di Montalcino 2015 | € 27.33 | (Xtrawine) | 6 |
Caparzo 2015 | € 27.50 | (Yuprosit) | 7 |
Camigliano 2016 | € 28.50 | (vino.com) | 8 |
Quercecchio 2016 | € 29.90 | (vino.com) | 9 |
Campogiovanni San Felice 2016 | € 29.90 | (vino.com) | 10 |
Tornesi 2015 | € 30.80 | (vino.com) | 11 |
La Poderina 2016 | € 32.00 | (vino.com) | 12 |
Col d’Orcia | € 32.80 | (vino.com) | 13 |
Banfi 2014 | € 32.90 | (AbcFood) | 14 |
Banfi 2016 | € 34.60 | (Xtrawine) | 15 |
Banfi 2016 | € 35.60 | (vino.com) | 16 |
€ 21.90 – € 29.90 is the price bracket of the 10 lowest Brunello within Amazon.it selection
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.

Altuoservizio.conad.it – 3 labels of Brunello di Montalcino
Banfi | € 22.90 | 1 |
Fattoria dei Barbi | € 25.25 | 2 |
Campone Frescobaldi | € 25.90 | 3 |
€ 22.90 – 25.90 is the price bracket of the 3 Brunello of Conad selection
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.

Easycoop.com – 5 labels of Brunello di Montalcino
Campone Frescobaldi | € 18.90 | 1 |
Fattoria dei Barbi 2016 | € 26.00 | 2 |
Banfi 2015 | € 26.63 | 3 |
Col d’Orcia 2016 | € 28.70 | 4 |
La Poderina 2016 | € 36.00 | 5 |
€ 18.90 – 36.00 is the price bracket of the 5 Brunello of Conad selection
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.

Esselungaacasa.it – 4 labels of Brunello di Montalcino
Banfi | € 21.90 | 1 |
Fattoria dei Barbi | € 27.90 | 2 |
Val di Suga | € 27.90 | 3 |
Casanova di Neri | € 99.00 | 4 |
€ 21.90 – € 27.90 is the price bracket of the 3 lowest Brunello within Esselunga selection
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.
Singapore, November 6th, 2023 – I attended a nice B2B wine tasting event organized by DealExport at 13% Wine Bistro in Singapore. The event showcased multiple French wineries looking for potential distributors in the Singapore market. Over 50 labels were available for sampling, but the highlight for me was the incredible Champagne flight featuring 19 different bubbly.

Carrefour.it – 4 labels of Brunello di Montalcino
Piccini | € 18.50 | 1 |
Friggiali | € 19.92 | 2 |
Campone Frescobaldi | € 25.90 | 3 |
Banfi | € 26.89 | 4 |
€ 18.50 – € 26.89 is the price bracket of the 4 Brunello of Carrefour selection
[ © March 22nd 2021 – Elaborated by Vito Donatiello]